When considering removing paint, whichever kind, from an exterior wall or surface, it might be tempting to go it with guns blazing. Power washing, sandblasting, wire brush: all these methods will work for most jobs, but what cost? These power methods can be risky as they can seriously damage your brickwork and other surfaces, leaving them exposed to the elements. Damage to brickwork and exterior walls can not only be costly to fix, but it can also lead to dampness in your building structure. Damp can bring on a whole new range of issues, so please read on for tips on how to best remove paint from brick and wood. We will also discuss some of our paint removal products for the job.
Thermal paint removal
Thermal methods are excellent for removing multiple layers of paint. If the previous paint is peeling, cracking, or alligatoring, removal using thermal methods is often the best choice. Removing paint is pretty simple; heat the color till it bubbles and scrape it away. While you’re scaping away the paint, move your heat source to the next area. When using thermal methods for paint removal, you’ll want to wear protective gloves, eyewear, and a respirator. You will also want to cover the ground with plastic to contain the removed paint.
Chemical paint strippers
The idea behind a paint stripper is the active ingredient penetrates the paint film causing it to swell, releasing it from the substrate. There are many different chemical ingredients used for paint stripping, some more dangerous than others. You should always wear protective eyewear, clothing, gloves, and a respirator when using caustic or Methylene strippers. If Methylene or caustic stripping chemicals contact your skin, it will burn and cause sores. Make sure you rinse with water as soon as possible if this happens. Chemical stripping is messy and a safety concern, so it’s not our preferred method for paint removal, but that’s not to say others haven’t found them to be effective.
Abrasive – sanding, shavers, scraping.
For exterior paint preparation, scraping followed by sanding is one of our Minnesota painting company’s more commonly used methods. Complete paint removal is unnecessary in most cases, so scraping and sanding is the most cost-effective solution for prepping the surface. You can also use paint shavers if you’re planning on removing all of the exterior paint at a reasonably high sq foot per hour.